Emergency Dentist When You Need It
Unfortunately, dental emergencies arise. And when they do, the sooner an emergency dentist can be seen, the better. The first fear is: can an emergency dentist be found at 2:00 AM? Have no fear! At Smile 4 Me Dental, we know dental emergencies happen and we always have great sympathy for those patients in need of emergency dental care.
Common Reasons for Dental Emergencies
Some of the most common reasons for emergency dental care include:
- tooth loss
- intense tooth pain
- puncture wound
- infection
- swelling
- lost filling
- abscess
At Smile 4 Me Dental, we have handled all types of emergency dental care. Our emergency dental services continually satisfy the needs of each patient we see, not matter what time of day or night. At Smile 4 Me Dental, we know that, because your teeth function all day and all night, you need a dentist that can be available to meet the demands of your teeth, including an emergency dental visit.
Preparing for a Dental Emergency
The best way to prepare for a dental emergency is to be prepared. And, because a dental emergency can happen any time of day or night, following are some items that should be included in what we refer to as a Patient Dental Emergency kit, meaning these items are necessary until a dentist can be seen:
- dentist’s phone number
- sterile gauze
- toothbrush
- tooth paste
- dental floss
- Tylenol (never use aspirin because it is an anticoagulant that can cause excessive bleeding.)
What to Do During a Dental Emergency?
Immediately dealing with a dental emergency is vital. Oftentimes, a lost tooth can be saved if a visit to an emergency dentist takes place within 30 minutes. While waiting for your emergency dental visit, important measures can be taken to help deal with your issue:
Toothache – clean around the tooth, rinse with warm water, floss gently to remove any trapped food. Use Tylenol, if needed.
Loss of a tooth – find the tooth, and then touch the tooth on the top portion only (the crown) because the lower, root portion is susceptible to germs and bacteria. If possible, try to position the tooth back into the socket, then bite down gently to hold the tooth in place, keeping the tooth secure while traveling to the dentist. If this is not possible, put the tooth in some milk until a dentist can be found.
Infection or abscess - a discharge might be present or a large amount of swelling. In this case, the dentist will prescribe antibiotics to clear up the infection. Sometimes, a cool ice pack, on the affected area, can offer relief.
Bleeding from the mouth – a little bit of blood while you floss is not problematic, but severe bleeding, as the result of trauma, constitutes an emergency and a dentist must be seen. Biting down on sterile gauze can help until a dentist can resolve the issue. If this doesn't work, a tea bag contains ingredients known to clot blood, so biting down on a moist one can help.
Lost filling – sugarless gum is a great way to seal up a lost filling until a dentist can be found.
Can You Go to the Emergency Room for a Tooth?
You can go to the emergency room for a tooth, however, dental treatment is not within the scope of an emergency room physician's practice, so most emergency treatments include pain relief only, along with the suggestion to see a dentist. If you have an abscessed tooth, unless it's affecting your ability to breathe or swallow, it, most likely, will not be considered a medical emergency, which is why an emergency dentist is the best option. Emergency rooms do handle facial or jaw fractures, as well as serious lacerations to the face or mouth. Keep in mind that Traditional Urgent Care providers are not equipped to pull a tooth. Dental emergencies are very specialized, so it is in your best interest to see an emergency dentist who can resolve your dental issue quicker and more completely.
Paying for a Dental Emergency
When it comes to emergency dental services, a common concern is regarding paying the dentist. For those who do not have dental insurance, it is important to remember that an emergency means immediate attention must take place, which is why an emergency dentist must be seen. Call Smile 4 Me Dental and let us help you discuss payment options.
Contact Smile 4 Me Today
For the Clermont, Florida area, seeing an emergency dentist is now easily available 24/7, thanks to Smile 4 Me Dental. If you are in need of an emergency visit to a dentist, prepared to handle every kind of emergency out there, do not hesitate to call our emergency dental office, Smile 4 Me Dental, today at (352) 243-9930.